"It is very common to hear people say they hate going to the dentist...I hate going to the dentist."

Hiring Your Kids

When I was 18, I was referred by my dentist to see an oral surgeon because I needed to have all four of my wisdom teeth pulled. Since all four teeth were impacted, I received general anesthesia. In the middle of the procedure, I woke up screaming, watching the surgeon and nurse scrambling to administer more to knock me back out.

What, did they have to go find the anesthesia?

Why weren’t they prepared for this?

After that incident, every time I went to the dentist I feared being “referred” for another dreadful procedure. That’s why I took great pleasure in my new client—a dentist—who said he “hates going to the Accountant.” Hah, there is a God!

Usually, when we hate going “somewhere,” it’s due to a horrible experience—just like mine with the oral surgeon. After reviewing the past few years of my new client’s taxes, I saw why. On average, he had been paying $75,000 a year in taxes, with 2009 reaching $95,000—OUCH!

After sitting down with my client and his wife and asking quite a few questions, I simply put together a tax plan that will save them $30,000 a year. Their first question was,


“Why didn’t anyone else show us this?”


My response, “Why didn’t you question the amount of money you were paying in taxes every year?”

Their answer: “I just thought that was the way it was supposed to be.”

How high is your pain tolerance? I know mine is pretty high. Likewise, if every visit to my dentist resulted in a root canal, I would start to wonder and seek a second opinion.

Shouldn’t it be the same with your taxes? Nowhere in the Sixteenth Amendment did it say a taxpayer has to pay tens of thousands of dollars in federal income tax, so why is that the “way it is supposed to be”?

With my new client, I can’t erase all the painful memories he has from seeing his old accountant, just as my new dentist can’t erase my painful dental memory. However, I can provide my client with new memories—saving $30,000 in taxes a year!

Are you ready to end the pain?